Pancakes and Booze

Pancakes and Booze Art Show- Denver, CO

Art up in Denver!

This weekend, Harry had a small display up at the Pancakes and Booze Art Show, where he displayed several spray paintings from his recent series "Making Faces", as well as some of the Making Faces Apparel including the patterned Party Face shoes and t-shirt.

Harry with his art at Pancakes and Booze

Pancakes and Booze Art Show is one of the largest pop-up live music & arts movements to hit North America over the past decade. Celebrating their 10th year serving FREE PANCAKES and introducing some of the nation's leading emerging talent. The LA based event originated in 2009 and has since popped up more than 500 times in 35+ cities around Europe & North America.

We both had a blast at the event overall and the pancakes were delicious. Sure we may have waited in line for an hour to get 3 pancakes, but there was plenty to experience in the line, awesome artists and musicians.

Our good friend Jordan was LIVE PAINTING at the event and had an incredible section to herself right in the front of the event. Her work was fantastic and it was great to see it so well received by everyone there. Check out some of her work @JengDesigns


So many great artists were on display, and it was great to get our foot in the door with some cool local artists out here. We have a lot to work on, presentation-wise, for next show, but it was a great learning experience and first time displaying in Denver. 

Check out Pancakes & Booze on Instagram - @pancakesandbooze

Be an artist! Art Submissions:

Visit Pancakes and Booze Website

Pancakes and Booze

Thanks for having us!

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